Bankart lesion

What is the Bankart fault?
A Bankart lesion is a lesion of the anterior inferior part of the scapular cartilage of the scapular cartilage. This injury is caused by repeated anterior shoulder dislocations. Anterior shoulder dislocation can cause damage to the ring of connective tissue around the scapula. It can also cause damage to the connection between the articular cartilage and the synovial follicle.

This injury is common in volleyball, tennis, handball, and people who perform activities above head level.

We can distinguish 2 types of Bankart injuries:

the Bankart soft tissue lesion
Bankart soft tissue damage – Bankart bone damage
Soft tissue Bankart lesion is caused by the detachment of the anterior inferior part of the operculum cartilage from the lip of the scapula. The posterior bursa may be disrupted and the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament may be ruptured. Bankart bone damage in addition to soft tissue damage also includes a fracture of the anterior inferior lip of the scapula. It is found in 50% of patients with a posterior shoulder dislocation.

What are the symptoms of Bankart lesion?
Patients with a Bankart lesion suffer from shoulder pain that is not localized to a specific site, and the pain is worsened when the arm is brought behind the back. They also feel weakness and instability of the shoulder. Many patients who suffer shoulder dislocation will suffer Bankart damage. Although Bankart lesions occur frequently in patients with shoulder dislocation, they are difficult to detect on physical examination. The diagnosis of a soft tissue Bankart lesion is made by MRI. Bone damage can also be seen on plain radiographs.

What treatment is followed?
Treatment of Bankart lesion is surgical and involves arthroscopic repair of the lesion with anchors. The inferior glenohumeral ligament is sutured together with the cartilage and at the same time plastic surgery of the anterior bursal plate may be performed to prevent recurrence of the dislocation. It is the most common procedure in patients with chronic shoulder instability. The success rates of the surgery are greater than 90%. In arthroscopic Bankart repair, muscle strength is recovered faster and recurrence rates compared to open repair of the Bankart lesion are significantly lower. The procedure is not indicated in cases where chronic instability is combined with large bone deficits.

Is there a possibility of recurrence?
The recurrence rate after surgery for this lesion is significantly reduced compared to conservative treatment. Conservative treatment has poor results with rates of intermittent instability reaching 90% for patients under 30 years of age. The risk factors for recurrence are:

age under 25 years
25 years of age, less than 25 years of age, less than 25 years of age, less than 25 years of age
major Hill-Sachs lesion
The probability of new shoulder dislocation after arthroscopic repair of the Bankart lesion is 30%.

If you have symptoms suggestive of Bankart lesion, contact your Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Antonio Petta. This physician has extensive experience and is highly trained in the treatment of this lesion.