Ankle Instability and Arthroscopic Broström procedure

What is ankle instability?
Ankle instability is a condition characterized by loosening of the outer side of the ankle joint. Usually, it is caused by sprains that did not heal properly. Of course, if not treated properly, it can cause permanent damage.


What is Brostrom’s arthroscopic surgery?
With the advancement of medicine, effective ways to treat ankle instability have been found. According to research, arthroscopic techniques are simple and safe to reconstruct the external collateral ligament. These include the Brostrom arthroscopic procedure.

Brostrom arthroscopic surgery is a procedure that helps to repair the ligaments on the lateral or outer side of the ankle. It is designed in a way to address ankle instability. It accomplishes this by repairing or tightening the anterior bull joint.

What signs indicate the need for Brostrom’s arthroscopic surgery?
Brostrom’s arthroscopic surgery is indicated in the following cases:

Poor joint function
Joint instability
What are the risks of Brostrom’s arthroscopic surgery?
This procedure is safe and with the help of a skilled orthopaedic surgeon, there will be no risk of complications. Of course, although rare, the following can occur:

Wound healing problems
Blood clots
Infections of the wound or blood clots
Peroneal nerve neurapraxia
Pulmonary embolism
What is the preparation for Brostrom’s arthroscopic surgery?
In 20% of cases, conservative treatment is not effective and therefore this procedure is recommended. In terms of preparation, the doctor will perform a physical examination of the patient in order to determine the looseness of the area. Subsequently, the patient will undergo a series of imaging and non-imaging tests, which include:

Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Also, the patient should not consume any food or water for seven hours before the procedure. However, it is recommended to rent or borrow crutches or walkers before the surgery. Finally, a person will need to be found to help him at home.

How is Brostrom’s arthroscopic surgery performed?
This is surgery performed under general and/or regional anesthesia. Through small arthroscopic portals, a few millimetres long, access is gained to the inside of the ankle. This allows the qualified orthopaedic surgeon to use the arthroscope and special instruments to repair the problem. Finally, the ligament is repaired using anchors, sutures and special arthroscopic knots.

What happens after surgery?
In order to avoid complications, the patient will need to stay in hospital for a few days. He will also wear a shin splints with the ankle in a neutral position to load the affected lower limb. Anticoagulant injections are important to prevent deep vein thrombosis. In addition, after 15 days, the sutures will be removed. However, the use of bacteria is essential.

In addition, after one month, the splint is removed and physiotherapy classes for rehabilitation will begin. Finally, the patient can gradually return to daily life and to sporting activities after 3 to 4 months.


The specialist orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Antonios Pettas, has many years of experience in the field of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. At the same time, he is also a member of the Swedish Association of Orthopedic Surgeons of the Foot and Foot Joint. Contact him for an early diagnosis and treatment.